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We’re organising the biggest and most unique networking event of the year for all businesses in Groningen: a 3-month boxing programme that allows your team members to challenge themselves both mentally and physically. To push themselves to the next level, step out of their comfort zone, and train together with colleagues for the ultimate goal: to shine like a diamond in the boxing ring!

[wh-spacing wh_height=”45px” wh_height_tablet=”” wh_height_mobile=”” extra_class=””][wh-button type=”outline,icon” alignment=”left” text_color=”white” outline_color=”white” icon=”arrow-bowwhite-right” icon_position=”right” icon_animate=”none” link=”url:%23register” extra_class=””]Sign up now![/wh-button]
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What’s in it for you and your company?

NEXTGEMS is the perfect way for employees to grow stronger, both mentally and physically alongside their jobs. Because everyone trains in the same location towards the same goal, it creates solidarity. The intense training sessions spark a unique team spirit that will lead to beautiful new friendships. Boxing unifies people. It moreover allows your co-workers to escape from the daily grind and challenge themselves to get to the next level together with dozens of kindred spirits. The ultimate goal? Stepping in the ring. But also: getting stronger will translate into more happiness and efficiency in the office. Add to that another beautiful side effect: everyone participating will expand their network, either in training or during the apotheosis of all the hard work: thé network event of the year, our boxing gala night.

[wh-spacing wh_height=”25px” wh_height_tablet=”” wh_height_mobile=”” extra_class=””][wh-button type=”outline,icon” alignment=”left” text_color=”white” outline_color=”white” icon=”arrow-bowwhite-right” icon_position=”right” icon_animate=”none” link=”url:%23register” extra_class=””]Sign up now![/wh-button]
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What to expect

We organise an entire training programme with the aim of helping people to mentally and physically develop themselves. Throughout the process, both colleagues and competitors will push and motivate each other to the finish line. They’ll get fully prepped for 3 months to then shine brightly in the grand finale of their journey: the large network event. Roughly 1000 friends, family members and colleagues will be present to encourage and raise their glasses to your team members. Consider it a hard reset: we encourage all employees Groningen to break free from their daily routines. The goal? Feeling good and being more efficient on the work floor. You’ll remotivate your employees and allow them to reach their full potential while stimulating a healthy lifestyle.

[wh-spacing wh_height=”25px” wh_height_tablet=”” wh_height_mobile=”” extra_class=””][wh-button type=”outline,icon” alignment=”left” text_color=”white” outline_color=”white” icon=”arrow-bowwhite-right” icon_position=”right” icon_animate=”none” link=”url:%23register” extra_class=””]Sign up now![/wh-button]
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From rough diamond to brilliance

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We’re organising a unique networking event cxclusively for companies in Groningen consisting of a training programme and a boxing gala evening. Together with their colleagues and peer competitors your team members will be training in a 3-month vitality programme that will challenge them to up their games and step out of their comfort zones. It’s a win-win situation: while expanding their network, your fit co-workers will bring efficiency and a new level of happiness back to the work floor.

Not sure whether you’d want to be in the ring? No worries, it’s also possible to only participate in the training programme.

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What WE ASK for

    • You work in Groningen.
    • You’ve got €150,- to spare for a 3-month training schedule at a gym in Groningen. This is an extremely advantageous offer!
    • You can also opt for the 3-month training programme only, if the ring isn’t calling your name.
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What’s your gender?
Can we contact you about the upcoming event and related topics?
I’m agreeing with the general terms & conditions
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